Now we need to set up our AI Proxy Backend.

The AI Proxy Backend is a NodeJS backend that will proxy requests to AI services.

So your API keys are not exposed to the users. They are safe in the backend.

AI Proxy Backend Guide


Firebase Service Account JSON file.

You can not send requests to the backend without Firebase Token Verification. This is a security feature.

Available Endpoints

  • /auth POST endpoint for authentication and get secret key.
  • /ai/openai POST endpoint for OpenAI requests
  • /ai/openai/stream POST endpoint for OpenAI streaming requests
  • /ai/vision POST endpoint for OpenAI Vision API requests
  • /ai/anthropic POST endpoint for Anthropic requests
  • /ai/anthropic/stream POST endpoint for Anthropic streaming requests
  • /ai/replicate/generate POST endpoint for Replicate requests
  • /ai/fal/generate POST endpoint for Fal AI requests

Security Architecture

Our backend uses a multi-layer security approach:

  1. First Layer: API Key Protection
  • We don’t send the API_KEY directly
  • Instead, we create a signature using the API_KEY
  • Check the useHmac hook and api-client.ts in the Expo code for implementation
  1. Second Layer: HMAC Authentication
  • Backend validates the signature
  • If valid, returns an encrypted secret key
  • App automatically decrypts and stores it in Keychain
  1. Third Layer: Firebase Authentication
  • Every request requires a Firebase idToken
  • Tokens refresh hourly
  • Backend caches tokens for 45 minutes
  • 15-minute window for token updates

Request Headers

// For AI endpoints (POST)
method: 'POST',
headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    Authorization: `Bearer ${idToken}`, // Firebase idToken
    'x-signature': signature, // HMAC signature
    'x-timestamp': timestamp, // Timestamp
    'x-nonce': nonce, // Nonce
// For AUTH endpoint (POST)
    headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'x-signature': signature,
    'x-timestamp': timestamp,
    'x-nonce': nonce,
    'x-app-identifier': appIdentifier,
    'x-device-id': deviceId,
    'x-platform': platform,
    'x-user-id': userId,

Important Notes

  • Auth endpoint is used only once when the app first opens
  • Rate limited to 1 auth request per 5 minutes
  • HMAC secret key is stored securely in Keychain
  • All requests require both HMAC signature and Firebase token

How to start on Local?

  1. You can start your backend on local with pnpm run dev
  2. Then you can send requests to http://localhost:3000/...

But if you try to send requests with your local device, you can’t do that.

I believe the easiest way to test your backend is using the ngrok.

You can check: ngrok but be careful. It is opening a tunnel to your local machine.

Otherwise you can find your local ip address and send requests to it.

ngrok http 3000
  • Then you can send requests to https://[your-ngrok-id]

How to create our AI Proxy Backend?


Now you need to clone the AI Proxy Backend (NodeJS) Repository.

Make sure you are not in the your-project-name folder.

git clone [your-project-name]-backend

Open your terminal and run the commend above.

Then type cd [your-project-name]-backend.


After cloning the project, create two environment files:

cp .env.example .env.local
cp .env.example .env.production

Install the dependencies. I am using pnpm but you can use npm or yarn.

pnpm install

Then you need to run the generate-keys command to create the security keys.

pnpm generate-keys

You need to add to the .env.production file too.


As you can see, the API_KEY and HMAC_SECRET_KEY are created.

Now type your app identifier: like:

And copy the API_KEY and paste it on the Expo project’s .env file.

  • ALLOWED_ORIGINS is the list of origins that are allowed to send requests to the backend. So make it your app’s identifier.

Get your AI Provider Keys.

Add your AI API keys to the .env.local and .env.production files.

You don’t have to use all of them in the backend. You can use only the ones you need.


Now we need to download the Firebase Service Account JSON file.

This file is very important. Do not share it with anyone.

Go to the Project Settings and click on the Service Accounts tab.



Click on the Generate New Private Key button.


Click on the Generate Key button.


After downloading the JSON file, you need to add it to the backend and change the name as firebase-service-account.json.

Make sure you add the file to the .gitignore file and never commit it to the repository.

Never add this on Expo project.

  • It should be only in the root of the backend folder.

Now you can start the backend.

pnpm run dev

Don’t forget to add API_KEY to the Expo project’s .env file.


So how can I test the App? We haven’t build the app yet. Let’s go to the test on Simulators.


Create a development build