In the previous step, we created our AI Proxy backend.

Now we can create a development build on Expo.


There are two ways to build the app.

  • Using the prebuild command
  • Using the EAS Build

I am going to show you both ways but I am going to use the prebuild command.

Because the fastest way to build the app is using the prebuild command.

But eventually, you will need to use the EAS Build to build the app for production.


First, open terminal and run the following command:


npx expo prebuild

npx expo run:{platform}

Replace {platform} with ios or android.


After the build is finished, you can run the app on your device.


If you want to run the app on your device, you can use the following command:

npx expo run:{platform} --device

Replace {platform} with ios or android.

Pick a device from the list.