Prebuilt Onboarding Pages

You will have 5 prebuilt onboarding pages.

Onboarding Components


Onboarding basically work with these data:

If you want to change the title and descriptions, follow this steps:


Go to the i18n/locales/en-US.ts file and find the onboarding key.


Change the titles and descriptions inside the onboarding key.


You need to translate the title and description for other languages.


Thats it! You don’t need to write single line of code.

export const onboardingData: OnboardingItem[] = [
    id: '1',
    title: 'onboarding.title1',
    description: 'onboarding.desc1',
    lottie: require('@/assets/lotties/onboarding.json'),
    // If you want to use an image instead of a lottie, uncomment the following lines 👇
    // Lottie and Image can not work together. You need to choose one of them.   
    // image: require('@/assets/images/logo.png'),

You can even add 20 onboarding slides. You don’t have any limitation.

Go to the data/Onboarding.ts file to add your own onboarding images and animations.