Our button library provides a comprehensive set of customizable button components for React Native applications.

Available Button Types

Base Buttons

  • Button - Standard button component with haptic feedback
  • PressableOpacity - Base pressable component with opacity animation

Animated Buttons

Selection Buttons


npm install react-native-reanimated expo-linear-gradient expo-haptics @expo/vector-icons react-native-gesture-handler

Common Features

  • Haptic feedback support
  • Theme integration (light/dark mode)
  • Accessibility support
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Customizable styles and animations
  • Loading and disabled states

Usage Example

import { Button, RainbowButton, RippleButton } from '@/components/common/buttons';
function ButtonExample() {
    return (
            <Button onPress={() => console.log('Pressed')}>
                Basic Button
                onPress={() => console.log('Pressed')}
                colors={['#1DB954', '#00ff4e']}
                Gradient Button
                onPress={() => console.log('Pressed')}
                Ripple Effect

Best Practices

  1. Choose the appropriate button type for your use case
  2. Maintain consistent styling across your application
  3. Always handle loading and error states
  4. Provide proper feedback for user interactions
  5. Ensure accessibility compliance